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TrojanHorse711 - 東方再会 ~ Remembrance of Past Prayers (Touhou Saikai)
icon people.png TrojanHorse711
icon cdblack.png 東方再会 ~ Remembrance of Past Prayers (Touhou Saikai)
Лейбл Самовыпуск
icon calendar.png 22 сентября 2018
icon clock.png 1:40:24


  1. Hakurei Spring Cleaning
  2. Hakurei Shrine Grounds
  3. Magician of the Twilight
  4. Plastic Space
  5. Fallen Angel of Death
  6. Probability of Traveling Through Phantasmagoria
  7. Seven Scientific Steps of Fantasy
  8. Hell is Waiting For Her Daughters
  9. Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
  10. Hakurei Shrine Grounds EX (Loop 2)
  11. Magician of the Twilight EX (Loop 2)
  12. Plastic Space EX (Loop 2)
  13. Now, Until the Moment You Die!
  14. Probability of Traveling Through Phantasmagoria EX (Loop 2)
  15. Strawberry Crisis
  16. Hell is Waiting For Her Daughters EX (Loop 2)
  17. Wings of Hell ~ Pandemonium
  18. Pandemonium
  19. Bad Ending ~ Prayer
  20. Good Ending ~ Memory
  21. Eternal Dream ~ Remembrance of Eastern Wonderland
  22. Memento
  23. Game Over

