- Baron Knoxburry - wizzy does it
- Anti-Cheat - Cool Sky
- Baron Knoxburry - Drizzbln ][
- iSv - fin
- Matt Moffitt (SBX 8000) - Shift Me Softly
- environmental sound collapse - sunday morning (live May 15th, 2009)
- Yatagarasu - Alone with FrHiends
- Anti-Cheat - Another Chiptune!
- Matt Moffitt - Digits
- Baron Knoxburry - Xombies Running Free
- environmental sound collapse - gone
- iSv - tek
- Lissajou - beautifulemberley
- Matt Moffitt - Calculater (Promo CD bonus)
- Yatagarasu - Shot in the Face (Promo CD bonus)
- Baron Knoxburry - blink on the brink (Promo CD bonus)