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Summer Chip XIII
icon cdblack.png Summer Chip XIII
Лейбл Battle of the Bits
icon calendar.png 17 сентября 2023
icon clock.png 20:34:45



  1. MelonadeM - All Good Times
  2. nu11 - Burden of Truth
  3. damifortune - myrtle
  4. kleeder - !byte (splitting_sequences>>8&$f)
  5. MrMinisterMaster - The Princepal
  6. SquareWave - Battle of the Heats
  7. stewboy - The Sky Shuffle
  8. blower5 + damifortune - give the signal
  9. robotmeadows - summertrip to the arcades
  10. sethdonut - Sharp Nicholas
  11. dobra - L.S.D Cowboys
  12. Tex - 9-bit Cha Cha
  13. SthephanShi - Through the Star System
  14. damifortune - Remembrance
  15. jaxcheese - swannanoa river rd
  16. Titan of Plasma - Inner Darkness, Inner Light
  17. ordinate - most tortured botbr ever
  18. Beej - mountain breeze
  19. Urulaaa - overclocking
  20. Blast_Brothers - Groove
  21. kilowatt64 - Low Tide
  22. Lotepamera - New Pac Swing
  23. Collidy - Licore
  24. Viraxor - windows 11 party
  25. defilus - Sweatro
  26. damifortune - Cat Cafe Simulator
  27. WobbleBlast - Bird Divers
  28. pouale + damifortune - Scorching Suns
  29. kleeder - Heat Wave Surfer
  30. Yung Gotenks - Knight Fight
  31. Remynfv - Endless Summer
  32. KungFuFurby - Stop, Duck, Rock and Roll
  33. telebasher - Countermelody
  34. Aquellex - Hyperflux
  35. TristEndo - Patience Pays In Dividends
  36. blower5 + damifortune - paint by numbers
  37. MelonadeM - Drifting in Colour
  38. Romash - grass song
  39. cabbage drop - munt mountain thunderstorm
  40. RadamLee - the scone defense
  41. Tobikomi - Minotaur
  42. haberchuck - Rob's Beach House
  43. Thingerthing - Defeating The Toads Of The Apocalypse
  44. DBOYD - Sunfaded
  45. Retro Gracz - Across the fields
  46. damifortune - Starbreaker Heartgazer
  47. ChipJockey - Puzzling Command
  48. Frag - Alien Space Resort
