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Shnabubula - Super Rite of Spring
icon people.png Shnabubula
icon cdblack.png Super Rite of Spring
Лейбл Без лейбла
icon calendar.png 29 мая 2019
icon clock.png 0:50:54


  1. Opening the Portal
  2. Augurs of Hyrule
  3. Alien Abduction
  4. Meridian Round Dances
  5. Reploid Rivalry
  6. Procession to Corneria
  7. Racing Back to Earth
  8. World of Sacrifice
  9. The Mystic Circles of Collosia
  10. Vampirification of the Chosen Belmont
  11. Battle Against An Ancestral Opponent
  12. Sacrificial Altar (Chozo One)

Дополнительная информация

Обложка - Francis Coulombe

