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Microhorror Compilation vol. 1
icon cdblack.png Microhorror Compilation Vol. 1
Лейбл Самовыпуск
icon calendar.png 31 октября 2007


Part I: The Crypt

  1. Dr. Von Pnok – Welcome to Microhorror
  2. Nitro2k01 – Hallo Weenie
  3. Chip Champion – Something out in the storm
  4. Squareway (aka MHF) – Fantomas watching you
  5. FB5K – Gh00lz of Br00klyn
  6. Anti-Cheat – Zombie Town
  7. Mooge Charm – We are not using the Z-word
  8. Videovalvontaa – As mobs do

Part II: The Lab

  1. Dot.ay – Zombie face eaters
  2. The Arthur J. Keenes Band – Lake Eerie
  3. Silent Requiem – Hey look a shotgun!
  4. Nordloef – Trick and/or Treat (the candy raid is on!)
  5. Swampy Boy – Bloodrinse
  6. unas – Lotorture
  7. Jdub – Hungarian Requiem

Part III: The Graveyard

  1. Jellica – Cccnnnp
  2. lpower – Lodge intro
  3. OBE – Molten Lava
  4. Little Super Human – Death Walks
  5. environmental sound collapse – chiptune is as dead as gabe's mom
  6. nanogrrrl – nanovoice score
  7. Zombectro – La Chips Party
  8. Big Chip – evil jive
  9. Bert Fisk – chessboss
  10. Matt Nida – Flesheaters
  11. t3h rave – A Boring Halloween
  12. chibibo – Phantasm
  13. Baron Knoxburry – spook central
  14. Rawmin – Crap-yo-pants
  15. Ohms and Watts – Psychotic Pumpkin Waltz (for John Carpenter)
