Об альбоме
Саундтрек к фанатской игре Megaman Unlimited
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Prologue
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Lab Work
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Crisis
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Megaman Unlimited Title Screen A
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Megaman Unlimited Title Screen B
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Menu
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn), Yan Thouin (ThunderThouin) - Stage Select
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Stage Start
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn), Philippe poulin (MegaPhilX) - Construction Destruction (NailMan Stage)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn), Yan Thouin (ThunderThouin) - Explosive Artillery (TankMan Stage)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Wings Cut Through the Night (JetMan Stage)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Tears of Glue (GlueMan Stage)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Dr Light’s Lab (Shop Menu)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Frenzied Superheat (TrinitroMan Stage)
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Prismatic Descent (RainbowMan Stage)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Cyclical Rampage (Yo-yoMan Stage)
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Starfield Disarray (CometWoman Stage)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Deathtrap Mirage (YokuMan Stage)
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Robot Master Battle
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Stage Clear
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn), Yan Thouin (ThunderThouin) - Get a Weapon
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Occupied Wily Fortress Map
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Climb the Walls (Occupied Wily Fortress Stage 1)
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Occupied Wily Fortress Boss Battle 1
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - An Unbreakable Will (Occupied Wily Fortress Stage 2)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Standing on Tattered Feet (Occupied Wily Fortress Stage 3)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Occupied Wily Fortress Boss Battle 2
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Menace Lurks Near (Occupied Wily Fortress Stage 4)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Occupied Wily Fortress Boss Battle 3
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Occupied Wily Fortress Boss Battle 4
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Game Over
- Philippe Poulin (MegaPhilX) - Countdown to Void (Unknown Stage)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Unknown Stage Boss Battle
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Uncertain Future (Cutscene Sad)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - A Glimmer of Hope (Cutscene Happy)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - Endless Potential (Robot Master Cast)
- Kevin Phetsomphou (Kevvviiinnn) - The Dream is Unlimited (Staff Roll)
- The Robot Revolution (Alternate Occupied Wily Fortress Stage 1)
- Chasing Eternity (Endless Attack)
- Chasing Eternity (Bass & Drum only) (Endless Boss Attack)
- Enigma of Aqua (WhirlpoolMan Stage)