Jay Tholen
Progressive, Jazz
- Repose Something?!? (or I Recorded This When I Was 17), 2005
- City Driving, 2007
- Space Mission, 2007
- The Old Testament, 2007
- Epidemic, 2008
- Master Sequence, 2008
- The Melted Reel, 2008
- His Shadow Is Light, 2009
- Street Preachers From Outer Space, 2009
- The Dropsy Suite, 2010
- The Usurper Must Die!!!, 2010
- Fruiht Tageur, 2010
- Dropsy: Clown at Dawn, 2010
- The Great Hylian Revival, 2010
- Control Me, 2010
- Blood Fete, 2011
- Mud Pies or Bread and Wine?, 2011
- Vainglory, 2011
- Epidemic Deluxe - An All-Inclusive Invasion Experience, 2012
- Dropsy: Eternal Hug EP, 2015
- Celestial Archive, 2017
- The Odd Awed God Laud, Vol. 1,2021
- Soundscapes for HypnOS, 2021
- When Ominous Red Sailing Stones Sleep Beneath Fire Rainbows, 2012
- Atomic Santa: Christmas Omega OST, 2014
- Hypnospace Enforcer OST, 2014
- Hypnospace Outlaw OST Vol. 1, 2019
- Hypnospace Outlaw OST Vol. 2, 2019
- Hypnospace Outlaw OST Vol. 3, 2020
- Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer, 2023
Записи живых выступлений
- Live at Evo Records 2013, 2014
- Chiptunes = WIN, 2012
- chipWINter, 2012
- Preschtale Variations, 2013
- Pxl-Win, 2013