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Dunderpatrullen - Keygeneration
icon people.png Dunderpatrullen
icon cdblack.png Keygeneration
Лейбл Beard Monster Records
icon calendar.png 02 июня 2014
icon clock.png 1:05:43


  1. How To Adventure
  2. Face Against The Gardin
  3. Singularity
  4. To The Moon (ft. FantomenK)
  5. Miss You
  6. Johnny Castaway
  7. Rumble Rangers
  8. Interlude (Fantasy Friendship Forever)
  9. Sparkopedtjänst For You
  10. 1up Muncher
  11. Cosmo Hotline
  12. Femton Maskar I Död Mans Dreadlock
  13. Comet Kid (ft. Rymdkraft)
  14. Pixie Crust
  15. Mitt Liv Som Prilla
  16. Polar Picknick
  17. Pandemonium

