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BACKUP11 - Platine festival Compilation
icon cdblack.png BACKUP11 - Platine festival Compilation
Лейбл Самовыпуск
icon calendar.png 31 мая 2011
icon clock.png 0:36:02


  1. 2NRO8OT - Play (Intro)
  2. Rolemusic - Leafless Quince Tree
  3. Bit Shifter - Reformat The Planet
  4. rugar - A Scent Of Europe
  5. Goto80 - aaf
  6. Rushjet1 - Return to Control
  7. Mini Roc - Bitter Bleeps
  8. Kupa - Bloody Tears
  9. Sycamore Drive - Hare Versus Tortoise
  10. A.M.U - Diamond
