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Aurea - I'm Broke as Hell Album volume shrimp
icon people.png Aurea
icon cdblack.png I'm Broke as Hell Album volume shrimp
Лейбл Без лейбла
icon calendar.png 14 июня 2014
icon clock.png 0:25:17


  1. To the Skies Above!
  2. 90's Action Figure Cartoon
  3. Mezzanine
  4. Tanuki Teacher
  5. Drill Hedgehog
  6. A Slobbery Hound
  7. Octatonic Marimba Doodle
  8. Science Dog
  9. The Cultist's Lair
  10. Purchasing That for a Dollar
  11. Smooth Piano
  12. The Metalworker's Forge
  13. Space Drift
  14. Living City
  15. Battle for Survival, E. R.!
  16. The Phantom Organ Recital
  17. The Phantom Kegstand
  18. Sunset Vespa Ride
  19. Hippo Birthday to You


Ранее альбом был доступен на bandcamp