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Love Songs From The Future vol. 1
icon cdblack.png Love Songs From The Future vol. 1
Лейбл Beep City (BC004)
icon calendar.png 11 февраля 2010
icon clock.png 0:32:33


  1. Bit Rat - Warm Green Something
  2. Daemon9623 - Battle For Bifrost
  3. Alex Mauer - Nicole Shippo
  4. Nario - The Tale of A Pirate
  5. Moldilox - Honey Hive
  6. Temp Sound Solutions - Infernal Shell
  7. Norrin Radd - Never To Return
  8. Captain Tortilla - Kludge
  9. Prizmatic Spray - Flight of The Peacock Lords
  10. Zio and TEH LOLZ - Air Raid The Ocean
  11. Wizwars - Sputnik
  12. Djinnocide - Jungle Jim's Jelly Bean Jamboree
