(перенаправлено с «Temp Sound Solutions»)
- blast portable, 2007
- Xylox, 2008
- temp sound solutions and alex mauer - blast portable 2: kfine, 2011
- powarful fragments '16, 2016
- Christmasasaurus vol. 2, 2006
- EQUIP, 2007
- Town, 2007
- Nevar Say Die! Compilation, Volume One, 2007
- BADLANDS, 2007
- Heartcode, 2008
- Sea of Ice, 2009
- Summertunes, 2009
- A Chip off the Shizz Block, Volume One, 2009
- Autumntunes, 2009
- Return of Mega Twerp!, 2010
- Magnetic Sumo, 2010
- Wintertunes, 2010
- A Chip off the Shizz Block, Volume Two, 2010
- A Pterodactyl Squad Compilation, 2010
- Love Songs From The Future vol. 1, 2010
- A Chip off the Shizz Block, Volume Three, 2011
- Chiptunes = WIN, 2012
- Micro Music For Micro People, 2013