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Orie Falconer - Mega Man 25th Anniversary Fan Game Soundtrack
Версия от 23:48, 10 февраля 2015; Pixelrat (обсуждение | вклад) (Замена текста — «{{Bandcamp|3» на «{{bandcamp|10»)
icon people.png Orie Falconer
icon cdblack.png Mega Man 25th Anniversary Fan Game Soundtrack
Лейбл Без лейбла
icon calendar.png 19 июня 2012
icon clock.png 0:44:08


  1. Title Theme - 25 Years Young
  2. Menu Theme - Lets Rock!
  3. Choose Your Destiny
  4. Neon Man - Neon Rave (True 8-Bit)
  5. Tarot Man - Tarot Shuffle (True 8-Bit)
  6. Bio Man - Biohazzard Redux (True 8-Bit)
  7. Comet Man - Meteor Shower
  8. Totem Man - Borealis
  9. Kendo Man - Way of The Sword
  10. Boss Theme - Screw the Rules, I'm a Robot! (True 8-Bit)
  11. Get Equipped!
  12. Betrayed
  13. One Must Fall 20XX
  14. Bonne Stage 1 - To Serv and Protect
  15. Bonne Stage 2 - Legends Never Die
  16. The World Will Be Mine
  17. Containment Breach
  18. Flutter vs The Gesellschaft - Classic Remix
  19. Apple Market - Classic Remix
  20. Main Gate - Classic Remix
  21. Chill Penguin - Classic Remix
  22. Bonus Stage - OLD
  23. Neon Man - Neon Rave - OLD
  24. The Day's End - OLD
  25. The Assault Continues - OLD
  26. Bio Man - Biohazzard - OLD
  27. Sledge Man - These Are Not The Hammer - OLD
  28. Tarot Man - Tarot Shuffle - OLD
  29. Screw the Rules, I'm a Robot! - OLD

