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The Dark Side of the Moon: The 8-bit Album


icon cdblack.png The Dark Side of the Moon: The 8-bit Album
Лейбл Pterodactyl Squad (pte030)
icon calendar.png 2011
icon clock.png 0:43:41

О сборнике

Сборник является трибьютом группе Pink Floyd.


  1. Bit_Rat - Speak to Me/Breathe
  2. EvilWezil - On the Run
  3. khades - Time
  4. Rabato - The Great Gig in the Sky
  5. sergeeo - Money
  6. Videogame Orchestra - Us and Them
  7. Jason Vincion - Any Colour You Like
  8. echosignal - Brain Damage
  9. Brad Smith and Temp Sound Solutions - Eclipse

