Версия от 13:44, 20 октября 2014; Pixelrat (обсуждение | вклад)
Hively Tracker is a tracker program based upon the AHX format created in the mid '90s by Dexter and Pink of Abyss. The format was relatively popular, and many songs were created and used in scene productions and games. AHX was designed to create a very SID-like sound on the Amiga.
HivelyTracker can import and export modules and instruments in the AHX format, but it also improves on AHX in several ways and therefore has its own instrument and module formats.
HivelyTracker предлагает следующие возможности сверх AHX:
- от 4 до 16 каналов
- поканальное стереопанорамирование
- две команды для ноты вместо одной
- кольцевая модуляция
- более многофункциональный редактор