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Chipmusic Heroes III: Milky Way Tour
Версия от 23:49, 10 февраля 2015; Pixelrat (обсуждение | вклад) (Замена текста — «{{Bandcamp|3» на «{{bandcamp|10»)
icon cdblack.png Chipmusic Heroes III: Milky Way Tour
Лейбл Без лейбла
icon calendar.png 17 октября 2013
icon clock.png 1:22:00


  1. Chipmusic Heroes - Milky Way Tour
  2. __twc & Super Robotic Encounters - Kick the Moon, Punch the Stars
  3. Trap Her, Keep Her - Blustery Bluffs
  4. Azuria Sky - Remember When
  5. __twc - Make Believe
  6. Octobox & Super Robotic Encounters - Through the Swamps of Industria
  7. Jack Pearcy - Caffeine Chaos Overdrive
  8. Freq (& JIMJUM) - Grand Theft Concerto
  9. Same Type Attack Bonus - Inside My Head There is a Lonely Kingdom
  10. mr.lenix - Hoax Town
  11. mp4g - Imno Hero
  12. Octobox & Laffe the Fox - Caustic Comforts
  13. Super Robotic Encounters - Neon Rainbow
  14. CHICKENANDROFLS & Laffe the Fox - Space Port Bravo
  15. Kartmaze - We Are the Eumenides
  16. Freq - Road to Hyrule
  17. CHICKENANDROFLS - Party at the Super Happy Tree
  18. Laffe the Fox - Circus Fox
  19. CHICKENANDROFLS & Super Robotic Encounters - More Arms Than Legs
  20. Octobox - Friends of Frenzy
  21. Thunder Fox - Noodles' Revenge
  22. mr.lenix - Planet 210
  23. Jack Pearcy - Famitron

