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  1. 100%-ная поддержка модулей, созданных в Protracker на Amiga
  2. Поддержка AudioCopy 2: импорт сэмплов из других приложений, таких как Korg iMS20, Animoog и Propellerhead’s Figure
  3. Поддержка Audiobus 2: VividTracker может отправлять аудио другим приложениям, например GarageBand и Cubasis through Audiobus.
  4. Comes with a great sample editor, where you can easily set loop points, cut and paste samples, etc.
  5. Comes with Dropbox sync folder support, so you can keep your modules in sync between devices.
  6. VividTracker has a great feature called AutoChord, in which you can transpose one pattern and track to another pattern and track using the effect 8 command (unused in Protracker). This means you can easily transpose a C-Major pattern into a A-Minor pattern with a simple command.
  7. Cut, Copy and Paste rows, tracks or full patterns
  8. Load modules from other apps such as Mail or Safari
  9. Open modules in other apps from VividTracker, for instance Modizer
  10. Email modules directly from VividTracker
  11. MIDI in support. You can connect a physical MIDI keyboard to your iPhone or iPad and use it together with VividTracker.
  12. Bluetooth keyboard support. You can use a BT keyboard to play notes and move the cursor, just like in Protracker.